Is it the catchy lyrics of her songs? Musical talent or am I missing something? Snappy dress? Good looks? Contributing to the welfare of others and the advancement of mankind?
Her mother was a singer/songwriter. According to wikipedia, Miss Ke$ha, (but just plain Kesha at the time) went to two high schools, but dropped out and later earned her GED. She also trespassed onto Prince's ("ahem- the artist formally known as") estate trying to get him to produce something for her. Her demo tape was a song, and the b-side a minute of her rapping and trailing off, to which her agent applauded her "chutzpah."
Admittedly she does try, but it seems she tries to hard. Perhaps modeling herself after Lady Gaga's orginality/uniqueness/weirdism, but it seems Ke$ha comes off as just plain trashy.
Does her monicker, being one word, and using a symbol automatic elevate her to the likes of Cher, Bono, Andre3000, Will-I-Am?
Was she the top "artist" in the talent pool?
At least we can believe in the New American Dream. Apparently anyone can be successful and famous.

Nice hat Ke$ha.
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